Survive the Aftermath of Data Loss With Data Backup and Recovery

Jarrod Koch

CEO and Partner of DivergeIT

November 13, 2023

Data backup is the safety net you need whenever you face a digital crisis. Imagine losing all your business's data—like customer details, sales records, and more—in a tech meltdown. That's a scary spot to be in. But with data backup and recovery at your disposal, data loss will be the least of your worries. 

You see, data backup keeps a copy of your data safe somewhere, just in case the one you have gets involved with cyber threats or a system breakdown.

In this article, we'll explore the significance of backing up your data in depth. We'll guide you through crafting a fail-safe backup strategy, selecting the right tools for your business, and establishing a recovery process that is efficient and foolproof.

By the end, you'll know how to ensure that data loss fears are a thing of the past as you secure your business's future in the digital age.

Data loss and its dangers to your business

Data loss occurs when data becomes destroyed, erased, corrupted, or inaccessible to users and software programs. Data that has been lost may become unrecoverable, or it may require significant effort to restore or replicate. There are multiple causes for data loss, which include:

• Hardware failure: Often due to hard drive crashes or damaged computer components.

• Human error: Mistakes like accidental deletion, formatting, or physical damage to hardware.

• Software corruption: Bugs or crashes can corrupt files, making them unusable.

• Viruses and malware: These can erase or encrypt files, with ransomware demanding payment for file recovery.

• Power failures: Unexpected outages can disrupt data writing or corrupt files.

• Theft: Losing a device without backups means losing data.

• Natural disasters: Events like fires, floods, earthquakes, and other natural disasters can destroy hardware and stored data.

• Software updates or malfunction: Faulty updates or malfunctions can overwrite or delete data.

To stop data from being lost, you need a good data backup and recovery plan. But what is data backup, and how does it work? 

Impact of data loss

What is data backup?

Data backup is essentially a data protection strategy involving replicating critical business information. This process ensures that when disruptions occur – which history shows can and do happen – your company's valuable data remains intact, not merely a distant memory.

So, what is data backup? At its core, it's a system where backup data is copied and stored, often using backup software, in a different location from your primary data storage. This could mean a separate storage device within your data center or, increasingly, in secure cloud storage.

The goal is to prevent loss of data and ensure data security.

Having multiple copies of your critical data, including on cloud backup services, protects against equipment failure and natural disasters that could physically damage a data center.

What is data backup

Types of data backup 

Understanding the types of data backups is crucial for safeguarding your company's information. Let’s explore and identify which type best suits your business needs.

Full backups

Full backups copy every data element—files, configurations, and databases—from your business’s systems, providing a complete snapshot. They’re the most reliable for a straightforward recovery since everything is in one place, but they require significant storage and can be time-consuming for large data sets.

Incremental backup

Incremental backups save time and space by only storing data changes since the last full backup. They're efficient, but recovery is complex, requiring the last full backup and all subsequent incremental backups.

Differential backup

Differential backups combine the methods above by capturing all changes since the last full backup, requiring more space than incremental but less than full backups. They simplify recovery, needing the last full backup and the latest differential backup.

Types of data backup

Role of data backup and recovery services

Data backup and recovery services are a key part of a disaster recovery plan. Think of data backup and data recovery services as a team.

Data backup is about making extra copies of your files and keeping them safe. If the original files are ever lost or damaged, data recovery saves the day. It uses those saved copies to return your lost files so you can use them again.

When you need to regain lost data, the recovery service looks for copies of your files and puts everything back where it should be. Data backup and recovery services make this process smooth, so you don't have to worry about losing your vital information for good.

data backup and recovery services

Backup and data storage services

Backup and data storage services provide a secure and reliable place to save copies of data as part of your backup strategy. It's where your digital files and information are stored so they're kept safe and can be accessed when needed, especially if the original data is lost or corrupted.

These services serve two primary purposes that are foundational to data backup.

The first is to protect your data by keeping secure copies away from the original source. The second is to ensure quick access to these copies for a rapid recovery after data loss.

Examples of backup and data storage services include: 

Cloud backup solutions

Services like Amazon S3 securely store your data online, automating the backup process for easy recovery.

On-site backup servers

These servers provide quick, local data backup and fast recovery but require protection from local threats.

Off-site data storage facilities

Secure remote facilities protect backups from local disasters, supporting your disaster recovery plan.

Synthetic full backup services

This method combines new and existing backups to save time and bandwidth, keeping data recovery-ready.

Network-attached storage (NAS) devices

NAS systems centralized backups for easy access and management, compatible with various operating systems.

backup and data storage services

The 3-2-1 backup strategy

Crafting a personalized data backup and disaster recovery strategy can be a complex undertaking. A straightforward rule of thumb that many businesses adopt to streamline this process is the 3-2-1 strategy. 

This approach ensures you can recover quickly from data loss incidents without significant downtime or data management hurdles.

This strategy advises having three total copies of your data, which are:

• Three total copies: This includes the original data set and two backup copies. Keeping multiple backups ensures that if one fails, you still have another to fall back on, reducing recovery time significantly.

• Two local on different devices: Having two copies on other local devices guards against hardware failure. Using different storage solutions for the backups can protect data against various threats that may affect one type of device.

• One off-site: The third copy should be kept off-site, like in a cloud storage solution or an off-site data center. This ensures that in case of a physical disaster, such as a fire or flood, the off-site backup remains unaffected, aligning with a solid disaster recovery plan and meeting recovery time objectives.

By distributing the amount of data across various locations and mediums since the last backup, the 3-2-1 strategy ensures a robust data backup solution. It combines local and remote storage solutions to create a comprehensive approach to backing up data, which is crucial to any data backup strategy.

3-2-1 backup strategy

Tailoring data backup solutions to your business needs

When it’s time to safeguard your business’s valuable data, the right backup strategy isn’t one-size-fits-all. It’s a personalized suit that should fit your business’s unique requirements. Here's how to ensure your data backup solutions are tailored just for your business:

1. Understand your data value and risks

Identify the data vital for your business operations and recognize all the potential threats to it, such as cyberattacks or physical damage. It sets the stage for a backup strategy by prioritizing data protection based on value and risk.

2. Consider your recovery point objectives (RPOs)

Think about how much data you can afford to lose in terms of time—this is your RPO. Ask yourself, “If I had to turn back the clock on my data, how far could I go without causing serious issues?”

For businesses where fresh data is vital, a low RPO is key, meaning you’ll need frequent backups.

3. Assess your backup storage space

How much room do you have for your backups? Your storage space will guide you to the type of backup that's feasible.

If you're tight on space, you’ll want a backup method that’s efficient and compact. With ample storage, you might opt for a more comprehensive backup approach.

4. Pick the type of backup

There are different types of backups—full, incremental, and differential.

• Full backup: Opt for this if you want the security of a complete copy of your data at each backup point and have ample storage to handle the size.

• Incremental backup: If your storage is limited and you're looking to save only the latest data changes, this is the efficient choice for frequent backups.

• Differential backup: Choose this if you need a balance, with quicker restoration times than incremental, and can afford slightly more storage usage.

5. Determine your storage capacity

Assess the present storage capacity and the ease of scaling up as your business data grows. This consideration will help you choose a storage solution that can grow with your business, such as scalable cloud storage services.

6. Backup frequency

Determine the frequency of backups based on the volatility of your data and your established RPOs. The frequency will affect how current your backup data is and how well it can protect your business's operations.

7. On-premise vs. cloud storage options

Make an informed choice between on-premise and cloud storage by considering factors like cost, security, access, and regulatory compliance. Your decision will impact the accessibility and manageability of your backups.

8. Incorporating disaster recovery

Your disaster recovery plan should include detailed backup strategies to ensure a quick restoration of operations in the event of data loss. It’s a critical component of business continuity planning.

9. Matching backup method to business needs 

Choose a backup method that fits your business's needs, whether that’s frequent updates for dynamic data environments or quick restoration for businesses requiring minimal downtime.

10. Testing your backup system

Regular testing of your backups ensures that your data can be restored accurately and promptly. It's an essential step to confirm the reliability of your backup strategy.

11. Reviewing and updating your strategy

As your business evolves, so should your backup strategy. Review and adjust your backup plan to align with new business needs and technological advancements.

 tailoring backup solutions

Data backup and recovery today

Today's businesses face a high risk of data loss. Statistics show that nearly 93% of companies can go bankrupt if they lose their data for ten days. This makes having a backup plan crucial. On top of that, the cost of being offline can hit hard—up to $5,600 per minute for some businesses. So, getting things back to normal fast is key to staying afloat.

That's why teaming up with the right data backup and recovery service is so important. They keep your data safe and get your business back on track quickly if something goes wrong. With data breaches hitting companies, having a service that uses strong data backup and keeps up with security is a smart move. It's all about keeping your data safe and your business running smoothly.

data back up today

Partner with the right backup and recovery service provider

Choosing a managed service provider (MSP) for data backup and recovery is crucial for your business's durability. The right MSP not only backs up data but also offers comprehensive support, integrating the backup process with your business needs using the latest technologies. Ensure the MSP can customize their services for your specific data amount and compliance requirements.

Your MSP should quickly restore operations, aiming for minimal downtime, and conduct regular tests and updates for your backups. Select an MSP with a strong security focus, reliable recovery records, and excellent customer service to maintain business continuity no matter the data challenge.

Before you commit to an MSP for your data backup and recovery services, download our quick guide to IT management and support services. It contains questions you can ask yourself so you can be safe from agreements that can harm your business in the long run. 

partner with the right MSP

Protect your business and backup your data today!

 A solid data backup and recovery plan protects against the unexpected. By understanding the critical role of data backups and teaming up with the right managed service provider, you're not just protecting data. You're ensuring your business's resilience and continuity.

Take the first step towards digital security. Contact us, and we'll help you establish your data defenses today.

protect your business today with DivergeIT

Frequently asked questions

What is data backup, and how does it ensure recovery during data loss? 

Data backup is a copy of your original data stored securely in a different location, allowing you to restore data if the original is lost or damaged. A reliable backup and data storage service plays a crucial role in this process, safeguarding copies of your sensitive data against potential data loss events.

When you back up your data, you ensure that, regardless of the circumstances, you have a recent backup from which you can recover data, whether it's the entire data set or only data that has changed since the last backup.

Can you explain data deduplication and how it affects large amounts of data during backup? 

Data deduplication is a technique used in backup and data storage services to eliminate redundant data, only storing one copy of the data being backed up. For large amounts of data, this means that if multiple copies exist, only one will be stored.

This process greatly reduces the storage space needed and can significantly shorten the backup window. When you need to restore your data, the system reconstitutes the deduplicated data to its original form.

What should I look for in a data backup and recovery service to ensure my backup data storage is reliable?

A reliable data backup and recovery service should offer comprehensive backup types, including disk backup, which copies data to a disk-based storage device for faster restore times. The service should ensure that your backup may include three copies of your data: the original, a backup of data on-site, and another off-site.

Data volumes should be efficiently managed with attention to sensitive data, ensuring that changed data is captured accurately while maintaining a backup administrator to oversee the process and ensure data integrity.

What are the different types of storage I can use for my backup data, and how do I decide which one to use? 

The types of storage available for your backup data include local drives, Network Attached Storage (NAS), cloud storage, and physical data storage facilities.

Your choice should depend on your data volumes, how often your data changes, the required speed to restore your data, and any regulatory compliance your sensitive data may be subject to. 

How often should I back up my data to protect against a data loss event?

The frequency of your backups should align with your recovery objectives and the rate at which your data changes. Data backup is a copy process that can occur in real time or be scheduled during a backup window, often overnight, when systems are less active.

For critical systems where data changes rapidly, continuous backups may be necessary. Otherwise, a daily or weekly backup may suffice. 

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