Suzanne L.

Co-founder, Michael Stars

"DivergeIT has been our IT partner for 15 years. They’ve been in-sync with our business goals and IT needs every step of the way. I don’t stress about IT anymore."

Suzanne L.

Co-founder, Michael Stars

"DivergeIT has been our IT partner for 15 years. They’ve been in-sync with our business goals and IT needs every step of the way. I don’t stress about IT anymore."

Darren K.

Kavinoky Law Firm

"One of DivergeIT’s greatest strengths is their ability to provide outstanding customer service while completely supporting our Information Technology Systems."

Richard C.

Montecito Bank & Trust

"We wanted an IT partner that was big enough to be the best, but also small enough to care about us and make us a priority and I feel very happy with our decision to partner with DivergeIT."

Greg H.

Transamerican Escrow

"In this world of specialization, outsourcing to DivergeIT is one of the best decisions we have made, which has freed us up to focus on what we do best."

Charles S.

United Talent Agency

"DivergeIT perfectly augments our internal IT team with specialized subject matter experts, high-quality managed services, and well-scoped project consulting."

Charles S.

United Talent Agency

"DivergeIT perfectly augments our internal IT team with specialized subject matter experts, high-quality managed services, and well-scoped project consulting."

Charles S.

United Talent Agency

"DivergeIT perfectly augments our internal IT team with specialized subject matter experts, high-quality managed services, and well-scoped project consulting."

Greg H.

Transamerican Escrow

"In this world of specialization, outsourcing to DivergeIT is one of the best decisions we have made, which has freed us up to focus on what we do best."

Suzanne L.

Co-founder, Michael Stars

"DivergeIT has been our IT partner for over 15 years. They are exceptional managers of our IT environment, and they’ve been in sync with our business goals every step of the way"

Revolutionize your business with AI solutions that drive growth!

In today's fast-paced digital world, staying ahead of the game is essential. That's why we're here to offer you a game-changing opportunity to revolutionize your business processes, enhance decision-making, and ignite innovation.

Picture this: The global AI market is a thriving playground, projected to skyrocket to a staggering $266.92 billion by 2027, according to experts at Gartner. Mid-sized businesses like yours have a golden chance to seize remarkable growth opportunities in this dynamic landscape. Our tailored AI solutions are meticulously crafted to align with your unique needs and goals, empowering you to achieve more, faster, and with fewer resources.

By harnessing the cutting-edge potential of advanced technologies and leveraging our expertise, we'll help you automate mundane tasks, optimize supply chain operations, elevate customer engagement, and so much more. With AI as your trusted ally, you'll not only outshine the competition but also drive cost savings. Get ready to embark on a thrilling AI journey, unlocking a world of possibilities and propelling your business to extraordinary heights.

With AI, you can transform your business and stay ahead of the curve, while saving costs!

Microsoft 365 Copilot— the DivergeIT way

Copilot isn't just another business tool; it's a game-changer, and at DivergeIT, we're excited about the possibilities it opens up for businesses of every size. With Co-pilot, members of your team get a seamless experience across Bing, Edge, Microsoft 365, and Windows. 

Imagine your team doing more in less time. Copilot is like having an extra pair of hands, helping with everything from automating those time-consuming tasks to sparking creativity in marketing and design. 

It makes communication and collaboration feel less like a chore. We can guide you through using AI to draft more concise emails, schedule meetings without the back-and-forth, enhance customer interactions, and even attend meetings you could have missed by being overbooked. 

Whether you're a startup or an established enterprise, we understand that one size doesn’t fit all. We’ll work with your organization to tailor Copilot in a way that makes sense for you – scaling up, getting industry-specific, and more. We're excited to help you dive into the analytics capabilities of Copilot, uncovering insights that can steer your business in bold new directions. 

A few ways Copilot can change your Microsoft 365 experience


Get quickly caught up with team conversations. Copilot highlights the main points, action items, and key decisions from lengthy threads, saving you time and keeping you informed without the need to sift through every message.


Need a compelling presentation without the hassle? Copilot utilizes your existing documents and even includes stock photos to create presentations that capture attention and communicate your message effectively.


Imagine effortlessly crafting a comprehensive proposal. With Copilot, you can seamlessly integrate data from Word, Excel, or PDFs, ensuring a well-informed and cohesive document that stands out.


Streamlining sales data is now simpler than ever. Copilot can categorize your data by type and channel, and then transform it into an organized, easy-to-understand table. It’s efficiency at its best.

Transform your customer experiences with AI

At DivergeIT, we understand the importance of providing exceptional customer experiences. With our AI-powered personalization solutions, you can take your customer interactions to the next level by understanding their needs and delivering tailored experiences at scale.

Our AI solutions enable you to create hyper-personalized interactions using various touchpoints, including chatbots, virtual assistants, and recommendation engines. By utilizing AI, you can enhance customer satisfaction, drive loyalty, and achieve higher conversion rates. Our AI-Driven Workflow Customization also streamlines your operations, reducing response times and improving customer satisfaction.

Experience the DivergeIT difference

Our Four-Stage Approach to AI Implementation



In the Analysis stage, we dive deep into the heart of your business to uncover its hidden secrets, challenges, and dreams. Our expert team joins forces with you to figure out if AI can be your secret weapon and unlock incredible benefits. We're like detectives, gathering clues and unraveling mysteries to lay the groundwork for an amazing AI adventure that will make your dreams come true.


Design & Pilot

Once we wrap up the analysis, we team up with you to craft and create an AI solution in a carefully controlled setting. This pilot program becomes our playground to put the solution to the test, making sure it works like a charm and fine-tuning it where needed before taking it to the big leagues. We make it a point to keep your unique requirements front and center, ensuring the AI solution perfectly meshes with your business goals.



Once we ace the pilot program, we dive into the exciting Implementation stage, where we mold the AI solution to match your one-of-a-kind needs. Our crack team of experts gets to work, skillfully weaving the solution into your existing systems and rolling it out across your entire organization. We're right there by your side, working hand in hand with your team to make sure the transition is smooth as silk and your operations keep humming along without a hitch.



Once our AI solution is up and running, we kick into high gear with our top-notch maintenance and support to keep it firing on all cylinders. Our rockstar team stays on the ball, keeping a watchful eye on the solution's performance, providing regular updates and upgrades, and tackling any pesky issues that pop up along the way. We're here to go the extra mile and deliver nothing short of outstanding service, making sure that the AI solution keeps churning out the expected benefits for your business day in and day out.

Two ways we can get AI working for you right away

Private ChatGPT: secure and accurate conversational AI solutions

We specialize in setting up private ChatGPT instances for our clients, leveraging their own data to create a secure and accurate conversational AI solution. By using your proprietary data, we develop a private ChatGPT instance that understands your industry terminology, customer interactions, and business context, enhancing customer experiences while maintaining control over your data.

AI-driven workflow customization: optimizing efficiency and customer service

We harness the power of AI to customize workflow solutions that streamline processes and improve customer interactions. By analyzing and understanding your customer service historical data, we can develop automated response systems that handle common queries, allowing your customer service representatives to focus on more complex issues. Our AI experts work closely with you to identify pain points in your workflows and tailor AI solutions that address your specific needs.

Achieve more with the same team!

By leveraging AI, you can optimize your operations, enhance customer experiences, and drive innovation. With Private ChatGPT, you can have a personalized and secure conversational AI solution that delivers accurate and relevant responses to customer inquiries.

AI is here to stay, and with our custom solutions, you can stay ahead.

Reduce operational cost by nearly 65% with AI; download to see how...

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Ready to Scale Your AI?

Ready to take advantage of AI, and outperform your competition? Let's help you...



  • M365 Copilot Readiness

  • Copilot Deployment

  • Office 365 App/Data Integration

  • Copilot Training

*start up cost and per user fees apply above 50 users



  • Branded AI ChatGPT

  • Secure Proprietary Data

  • MS Teams/Slack Integration

  • Private URL

*start up cost and per user fees apply above 50 users



  • In-depth Business Analysis

  • Evaluation of Data Infrastructure

  • Feasability Assessment

  • Action Plan & Road Map

*price may vary depending on number of users


Let's chat

  • Design for the business need

  • Develop AI Integration

  • Pilot of the AI Solution

  • Organizational Implementation

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Contact us
310-765-7200 (main)
877-577-9224 (sales)
2980 Columbia St, Torrance, CA 90503, United States
6584 Poplar Ave Suite #308, Memphis, TN 38138, United States
32nd St. Cor. 9th Avenue 17th Floor Bonifacio Global City Taguig 1634
1395 Brickell Ave, Suite #800, Miami, FL 33131, United States
Contact Us