Why You're an Easy Target for MFA Fatigue Attack: Best Prevention Tips

Jarrod Koch

CEO and Partner of DivergeIT

December 20, 2023

mfa fatigue attack

Ever wondered why you might be an easy target for an MFA fatigue attack? These relentless cyber threats are more common than you think, and understanding them is key to your digital safety. MFA fatigue attacks exploit our tendency to click 'approve' just to stop the barrage of notifications. 

This blog will unravel the mystery behind these attacks, explaining in simple terms what MFA fatigue attacks are and why they're a serious concern for anyone using digital platforms. We're not just highlighting the problem; we're also equipping you with the best prevention tips.

By the end of this read, you'll have a clear understanding of how to safeguard yourself against these sophisticated cyber ploys. So, let's dive into why you're a potential target and, more importantly, how you can fortify your defenses against the MFA fatigue attack.

MFA fatigue attack definition

What is an MFA fatigue attack? 

An MFA fatigue attack, also known as an MFA bombing, is a sophisticated cybersecurity threat where attackers incessantly send multi-factor authentication (MFA) requests to a user's device. The goal? To wear you down.

The attackers hope that eventually, you'll approve one of these requests out of frustration or confusion. It's like having a persistent caller who keeps ringing your doorbell, hoping you'll eventually open the door.

In the digital world, once you approve one of these fake requests, the attacker gains access to your account. This method is particularly sneaky because it exploits a key security feature – MFA – turning it against you. In businesses, this can mean unauthorized access to sensitive data, with potentially disastrous consequences.

What can hackers get from MFA fatigue attacks?

What is the goal of these identity-based attacks? 

The primary goal of an MFA fatigue attack is simple yet malicious: to gain unauthorized access to your digital accounts and data. When attackers launch MFA fatigue attacks, they're playing a numbers game, bombarding you with endless multi-factor authentication push notifications or requests. 

What happens when you press that request button? Here's what attackers can potentially access or achieve through their fake login attempts: 

Sensitive personal information: This includes your full name, address, phone number, and more, which can be used for identity theft or sold on the dark web.

• Financial details: Access to your bank accounts, credit card information, or any financial service you use.

• Email accounts: Control over your email can lead to further phishing attacks on your contacts or resetting passwords for other accounts.

• Social media profiles: With access to your social media, attackers can impersonate you or mine more personal information.

• Confidential business information: If you're connected to your workplace's network, this could lead to a significant data breach.

• Intellectual property: Access to proprietary or sensitive business information, potentially harming your company's competitive edge.

• Client and customer data: Exposing data of clients and customers, risking legal repercussions and damaging trust.

• Network control: In a business context, this could mean taking control of the entire business network, leading to widespread disruptions.

Are you being targeted by an MFA fatigue attack? Here's why

8 reasons why you're an easy target for MFA fatigue attacks

Understanding why you're vulnerable to certain attacks, like an MFA fatigue attack, is crucial. But, what makes you an easy target for these hacks? 

Reason #1 Getting too used to constant alerts

You get so many notifications every day that after a while, you might not pay much attention to them. This can be a problem with MFA fatigue attacks. You might accidentally approve a fake request just because it looks like all the other alerts you get.

Reason #2 Not knowing much about these attacks

Awareness is your first line of defense. Many users are not fully aware of what MFA fatigue attacks are and how they operate. This lack of knowledge makes it easier for attackers to exploit the situation. Without understanding the threat, you're less likely to recognize the signs and act appropriately.

Reason #3 Thinking one approval won't hurt

There's a common misconception that one approved request won't cause much harm. However, approving even a single fraudulent MFA request can give attackers access to sensitive information. This underestimation of risk makes you more likely to approve a request just to stop the annoyance.

Reason #4 Rushing because of urgency

MFA requests often come with a sense of urgency, creating a pressure cooker situation. When you're busy or in the middle of something important, the added stress of these requests can lead to hasty decisions, like approving a request without proper verification.

Reason #5 Neglecting security training

For many, especially in business environments, the lack of regular and comprehensive security training leaves gaps in understanding. Employees might not be equipped with the knowledge to identify and react to these attacks appropriately. This gap makes it easier for attackers to succeed in their attempts.

Reason #6 Putting all your trust in MFA

While MFA is an effective security tool, relying solely on it can create a false sense of security. Attackers exploit this overreliance. Users might not have other security measures in place or may not be vigilant enough, thinking MFA will cover all bases.

Reason #7 Attackers playing mind games

Attackers often use psychological tactics, such as creating a sense of urgency or mimicking legitimate requests, to trick you into approving their MFA requests. Without a keen eye and an understanding of these tactics, you're more susceptible to these manipulations.

Reason #8 Not enough protective measures at work

For businesses, a lack of robust cybersecurity infrastructure can make employees easy targets. Without proper systems to filter out or flag unusual MFA requests, employees are left to deal with these attacks using their limited knowledge and resources.

MFA fatigue attack prevention: How to identify these attacks?

How do you detect an MFA notification from hackers?

When you're dealing with MFA requests, it's crucial to know the signs that might indicate you're facing an MFA fatigue attack. Being aware of these signs can help you avoid falling into a cyber attacker's trap.

• Unexpected timing: Receiving MFA requests when you're not actively trying to log in.

• High frequency: Getting bombarded with a series of MFA prompts in a short period.

• Odd hours: MFA requests are coming at unusual times, like late at night or early in the morning.

• Unknown devices or locations: The request mentions a device or location that you don't recognize.

• Similarity in requests: Each prompt looks nearly identical, with little to no variation.

• No corresponding action: You receive an MFA request without having done anything to trigger it.

• Generic language: The messages use vague or generic wording, lacking specifics about the login attempt.

• Lack of context: The MFA request doesn't provide details about the supposed login attempt, like device type or location.

• Inconsistency with your habits: Requests that don't align with your typical login patterns or behaviors.

• Mismatched details: Details in the message (like the device or location) don't match your actual usage.

Remember, cyber attackers are constantly refining their tactics, so staying alert and informed is your best defense. If an MFA request raises red flags based on these indicators, it's better to err on the side of caution and not approve it. Instead, investigate further or contact your IT department if you're unsure. 

What to do and not to do during MFA fatigue attacks?

MFA fatigue attack prevention best practices: The do's and don'ts 

Now that you understand how MFA fatigue attacks work and how these can be dangerous for your digital data. Let’s get straight into the best practices – the do's and don'ts – for preventing these sneaky cyber attacks.

Do's for MFA fatigue attack prevention

• Stay alert to login activities: Always be aware of when and where you are logging in. If an MFA request pops up and you're not actively trying to access an account, it's a red flag.

• Use an authenticator app: Instead of relying on text messages or emails for MFA, use an authenticator app. These apps generate time-sensitive codes and are more secure.

• Regularly update your security settings: Keep your security settings up-to-date. This includes changing passwords regularly and reviewing your MFA methods.

• Educate yourself and your team: Knowledge is power. Understand how MFA fatigue attacks work and share this knowledge with your team or family.

• Verify suspicious requests: If you get an MFA request that seems out of place, double-check it. Contact your IT department if you're at work or the service provider directly.

• Use different MFA methods: Don’t just stick to one form of MFA. Using a mix, like texts, emails, and authenticator apps, can make it harder for attackers to exploit.

• Report suspicious activity: If you notice unusual MFA requests, report them immediately. This could help prevent an attack not just on you, but others as well.

Don'ts for MFA fatigue attack prevention

• Don’t ignore unusual MFA requests: Never take an unexpected or out-of-context MFA request lightly. Ignoring these can lead to security breaches.

• Don’t share MFA codes: Never share your MFA codes with anyone, even if they claim to be from a trusted organization.

• Don’t reuse passwords across different accounts: Using the same password for multiple accounts increases your vulnerability. If one account is compromised, others could follow.

• Don’t delay software updates: Always keep your software, especially security software, updated. Delaying updates can leave you exposed to newer attack methods.

• Don’t click on suspicious links: Be wary of links in emails or messages, especially if they’re asking for login credentials or MFA confirmations.

Is using MFA still safe for your business?

Should you still use multi-factor authentication or MFA? 

Now, you might wonder, should I still use MFA despite these attacks? The answer is absolutely!

Although it's true that MFA fatigue attacks are a concern, ditching MFA because of them would be like removing your front door's lock because someone might try to pick it. MFA adds a crucial layer of security to your accounts.

It works by requiring additional proof of your identity – this could be a code from your phone, a fingerprint, or even a facial scan – making it much harder for someone else to break into your accounts.

Here's the deal: cyber threats are always evolving, and no security measure is perfect. However, MFA significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access. So, keep using MFA, but stay vigilant about the types of MFA requests you approve. Remember, your security is only as strong as your awareness and response to potential threats.

Why should you choose DivergeIT for MFA services?

Defend your business from an MFA fatigue attack: Partner with us now! 

After learning about MFA and its importance, let's talk about DivergeIT, one of the leading MSPs in the world. Based in Torrance, California, our company has been a big player in the IT field for over 21 years, helping businesses across different sectors like media, healthcare, and government with their tech needs.

We're not just any IT company; we understand what businesses need and work hard to make sure our clients are happy and successful. We offer some cool services like data management analytics and cybersecurity risk management, and we have this special system called RITIS® that helps businesses stay on top of their IT game. 

Not to mention, we're even recognized for our great work in IT security, ranking high in CloudTango's list for 2023.

Contact us now for more information

Ready to boost your IT game with DivergeIT?

Take the next step in your cyber defense strategy. Explore what our team has to offer in MFA and other IT services, and witness how partnering with us can transform your approach to digital security.

Give us a call at 310-765-7200 or send a message to sales@divergeit.com for more information about our services. It's time to step up your IT game! 

Frequently asked questions

Are there different types of MFA attacks?

There are various types of MFA attacks, including MFA bombing attacks, where attackers continuously trigger the MFA process. Another type of attack involves using social engineering tactics to manipulate victims into divulging their credentials or approving fraudulent authentication requests.

How do cybercriminals use social engineering in MFA attacks?

Cybercriminals often use social engineering in MFA attacks to manipulate victims into revealing sensitive information like their usernames and passwords. In a social engineering attack, the attacker poses as a trusted entity to deceive the victim, persuading them to authenticate or approve MFA requests that are actually part of a cyberattack.

What is overload in the context of MFA fatigue attacks?

Overload in MFA fatigue attacks refers to the deliberate strategy by attackers to overwhelm a user with excessive MFA push notifications. This tactic aims to tire the user into mistakenly approving an authentication request. The attackers send many MFA requests in a short period, creating an attack surface that exploits the user's response to the sheer volume of prompts. This overload is a core component of what is also known as MFA bombing.

Can MFA systems be compromised through spamming?

Yes, MFA systems can be compromised through spamming, a type of attack where cybercriminals bombard a user with a high volume of authentication requests. This spamming can lead to overload, causing users to accidentally approve a fraudulent sign-in request.

What role does a security key play in enhancing MFA security?

A security key plays a significant role in enhancing MFA security by providing a physical device that the user must possess to complete the authentication process. This extra layer of security makes it more challenging for threat actors to gain granted access, as they would need the physical key to trigger the MFA process successfully.

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